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- DOS and DON'TS -- PART 21
- ==========================
- by Jimmy Weiler
- The command to open a RELative file
- is similar to that used for a SEQ file
- OPEN <file number>,<device number>,
- <channel number>,<file name>",L,"
- CHR$(<record length>)
- That's a bit overwhelming so lets
- simplify it with an example and then
- cover it a piece at a time.
- OPEN 3,8,4,"PHONEFILE,L,"+CHR$(89)
- "OPEN" tells DOS to prepare to use
- the file. The file will be number
- "3", so any PRINT# or INPUT# or GET#
- statements intended for that file will
- have to use #3. The device number is
- "8" -- that's just the disk unit
- number. For most of us it is always
- 8. "4" is the channel number. That
- tells DOS which pathway to take to get
- to the disk. You will have to use the
- channel number again and again as you
- access a relative file. "PHONEFILE"
- is the name of the relative file. It
- will appear in the disk directory,
- followed by ":REL".
- Up to this point, the syntax has
- been the same as for a SEQuential type
- file. The last part of a RELative
- file open statement is the only
- distinction. The "L" or length
- parameter tells DOS how many
- characters each record of the REL
- file will hold.
- In our example, ",L,"+CHR$(89)
- establishes each record as 89
- characters long. The reason I
- chose 89 is that INPUT# will accept
- inputs up to 88 characters in length
- from a disk file. The extra character
- is for the carriage return that will
- mark the end of input when we read
- the file. You can use any record
- length from 1 to 254 characters,
- except 58 -- 58 produces a syntax
- error. (More on this oddity later.)
- When you create REL files, you need
- to know the maximum amount of data
- that will ever be written to a record
- and the number of "fields" each record
- will have. Let's say we were making
- a file of the last name and phone
- number of everybody in our class at
- school. All their phone numbers are
- seven digits long, so that's no
- problem, but the names will vary in
- length. We have to take the longest
- name we expect to find and make room
- for that in each record.
- It turns out that Joe Schlabotnik
- has the longest name in my class, so
- I have to allow 11 characters for the
- "name field" in each record.
- ------- Continued in Part 22 ---------